girls reading photo
Find just the right book for every reader. Use the links below to start your search, or get ideas from our library or nationwide resources!

Search the Catalog for books, audiobooks, movies, and music

Find eBooks and audiobooks for just the right ages and reading levels in Wisconsin’s Digital Library for Kids

Explore NoveList K-8, a source of reading recommendations and read-alikes based on age level, interest, mood, and more


Award Winning Books

The 2023 award winners have been announced! See lists of the finest books published each year:

Kids’ Choice Award

Every school year, kids in grades 4, 5, and 6 throughout Waukesha and Jefferson counties are encouraged to read 15 titles, all nominated by their peers during the previous years Kids’ Choice. The books range in reading level, subject and target audience. The books are available all school year at Pauline Haass Public Library and at the school libraries. Voting for favorites of the year happens mid-January to mid-February with the winner announced shortly after voting is completed. Every three books read earns one vote for top book of the year AND a chance to recommend new books that could make it into Kids’ Choice next year!

See this year’s nominee’s and cast your votes here!

Summer Reading

See the annual summer reading lists provided by ALSC (Association of Library Services to Children):

2023 Summer Reading Lists


Even More Great Ideas: Reading Lists from the Association of Library Services to Children (ALSC).

The Association of Library Services to Children offers more book lists that can be accessed on their website. These include book lists such as Graphic Novel Reading Lists, Summer Reading Lists for different grade ranges featuring new and exciting titles and Tough Topics Lists for different age ranges featuring books that deal with various tough topics, along with parent guides for each age group featuring books, websites and more for how to help your children through tough times.