Printing, Copying, and Scanning
Printing and copying charges are 10¢ per page for black & white and 50¢ per page for color. Printing is available from the library’s public computers, or library users can email a document to be printed at the library. The library accepts cash or check payments.
The self-service public copier is able to scan documents to an email. Scanning services are free.
The library can send faxes for library users. The cost is $1 for the first page and 50¢ for each following page. The library is not able to receive faxes on your behalf.
Study Rooms
The library has five enclosed study rooms. Walk-ins are always welcome, but if you would like to book a study room up to one week in advance, please call 262-246-5181. Study rooms can be reserved for up to 90 minutes per day, though users are welcome to stay longer as long as no one is waiting for the room.
Library Internet and Computers
The library building and parking lot have free WiFi.
The library has several public access computers available for customers with a valid CAFÉ library card. Computers are available on a first come first served basis, and each user is allowed 90 minutes per day. Computer time can be extended as long as others are not waiting to use it.
The library also offers an enclosed computer room for 1-2 people. This room has a desktop computer, scanner, and black and white laser printer. To use this room, please stop by the Reference Desk. This computer can be reserved up to one week in advance.
The library owns 2 Chromebooks that are available for checkout for in-building use only. You must have a library card to checkout a Chromebook. Chromebooks are available at the Adult Reference Desk to checkout for a time block of up to 60 minutes. Chromebooks cannot be reserved. Checkout is on a first come, first served basis. By checking out a Chromebook, you assume responsibility for any damage or loss to the Chromebook or accessories that occurs during your checkout period.
For more information on rules and restrictions please view the Public Internet Access, Library Computer Use, and Study Room policies.