Getting a Library Card

It’s quick and easy to sign up for a library card! Any Wisconsin resident over the age of 5 is welcome to get a free library card at PHPL. Simply bring a photo ID and proof of your current address (driver’s license, checkbook, utility bill, etc.) to the library to sign up.  Children aged 5-17 must sign up with a parent or guardian. The library does not restrict access to any material by age; this responsibility rests with the parent(s) or legal guardian(s).

When you have a library card with PHPL, you can use it at all 24 public libraries in Waukesha and Jefferson Counties. You can also order books and movies from other CAFÉ libraries and have them sent to PHPL.


Checkouts & Renewals

The following is a summary of current Pauline Haass Public Library circulation policies. The complete policy is available online or at the library’s checkout and reference desks.

Loan Periods 

  • 3 weeks: most books and audiobooks
  • 2 weeks: most new items
  • 1 week:  most DVDs, magazines, music CDs
  • “Lucky Day” browsing collections have special loan periods and are marked as such.

If no other customers are waiting for an item, it can be renewed 3 times. Renewals can be made in person, by phone at 262-246-5180, or online.

Renew Items Online
To review your record, place holds or renew items you will need your CAFÉ card number and PIN number (date of birth). Please note: If you are unable to connect to the catalog and wish to renew items, please call the library at 262-246-5180 during open hours.



If the title you want is owned by any of the CAFÉ libraries, you can request it by placing a hold. Visit the catalog and search for the title you want. Once you find the item, click the “Place a Hold” option on the right of the screen, log in with your library card, and submit your request. We will notify you as soon as the item becomes available for you. You can also ask a librarian to place a hold for you.

If you can’t find what you are looking for in the catalog, ask a librarian. We can place Interlibrary Loan requests through WISCAT, the statewide database for Wisconsin libraries. If the item isn’t available locally, it may take several business days to complete your request. If the item is from out-of-state, the response will take longer (two weeks, on average), so it’s not usually the best way to get materials for next week’s school report, but for those with more time, it’s a great option.

Regardless of where the item comes from, there is no charge to you. So, if you don’t find what you’re looking for on our shelves, be sure to ask!


Fines and Fees

Late fees for most Library of Things items, interlibrary loan materials from outside our library system, and Wii games are $1.00 per day. Fees for other items, except children’s books, are 20 cents per day (no grace period) unless specifically noted otherwise. There are no late fees for children’s books. All juvenile materials other than books do carry late fees if overdue. Fines are not charged for days that the library is closed.  “Lucky Day” browsing collections have separate loan periods and fees.

Damaged Or Lost Materials
A standard replacement fee, based on the item type, is charged for Pauline Haass Public Library’s damaged and lost materials valued at less than $50.00 each. Items valued at $50.00 or more will be charged at current retail replacement costs.

Items obtained for users from other libraries may be assessed the lost/damaged charges of the owning library.

No refunds are given if lost materials are found after having been paid for; the materials are the property of the individual who paid for them.
