United States Census 2020 - Everyone Counts!

The United States Constitution mandates that our country's population is counted every 10 years.

Why is it important?

When you fill out the census, you help your community get its fair share of the more than $675 billion per year in federal funds spent on schools, hospitals, roads, public works and other vital programs. Each Wisconsin resident generates $1,584 in federal program funding. An incomplete count puts these programs at risk and leaves federal tax dollars free to flow away from Wisconsin every year for the next decade.

The count also guides the lines for political districts and school zones, and it helps local businesses track opportunities for growth and economic development. The results also determine our state's congressional representation.

Source: WI Department of Public Instruction and 2020census.gov

How do I fill out the Census?

Around March 12, 2020 a letter will be sent to everyone in the mail with your Census ID number and instructions on where you can fill out the Census. You will be able to fill out your Census online or through a toll free phone number. More information at 2020census.gov  and wicount.wi.gov

Public computers are available at the library. You do not need to have a library card for accessing our Census-designated computer and iPad stations. Be sure to bring your Census letter with you, so you have your Census ID number. Please stop by the Reference Desk and we can help you get started.