5/2/24 Update: We are pleased to share that the roof replacement has been completed ahead of schedule! The crews will be coming to collect the remaining equipment over the next few days, but the noisy part is done!

In April/May of 2024, the library roof is getting a complete replacement. This work is being done under warranty, covering all of the labor costs and nearly all of the materials. The work is scheduled for April 29-May 10, though the dates may vary slightly depending on weather. The following is a FAQ compiled to answer questions you may have.


Why is this work being done?  

When the library roof was reshingled in 2008, the library board purchased a 20-year warranty through the manufacturer. It covered materials, labor, tear-off, disposal, and the original contractor’s workmanship. In 2023, library and village staff reviewed this warranty and submitted a claim because there have been numerous leaks, ice dams, and other roof-related issues in recent years. Investigators found that through no fault of the installer or the library, the shingles were failing prematurely. Because of that, the manufacturer approved a full roof replacement through the original installer. 


Why now, though? Aren’t you doing a renovation in a few years? 

The renovation/expansion for the library is not planned until 2030. In the six years between now and then, the cost of even minor roof repairs could easily exceed the cost to the library of this project. For example, in 2021, leaks in the roof caused damage to drywall and the collection and required many labor hours to address ice damming and repair areas – about $7,800 altogether. 

The warranty covers only the existing roof design and size, so putting the cost of this project towards an eventual renovation/expansion was not an option. By doing it now, though, we are putting in the best possible protection against major incidents and high-cost repairs.  


How much is this work costing the library? 

The library will cover the cost of nails, flashing, and other materials not covered by the warranty, estimated at $1700-2000. It will also pay for the removal of the solar panels on the roof, which must come down for this work to be done (approximately $7000). The remaining materials and labor are covered by the warranty, saving the library an estimated $138,000.


What will happen with the solar panels on the roof? 

The solar panels will be removed and recycled rather than being replaced. Unfortunately, the system installed in 2006 has been only partially functional for some time. A large portion of the bulbs failed between 2008 and 2013, and replacement parts could not be sourced as the manufacturer had discontinued the solar tubes. To the extent that it still operates, the system still provides a small energy savings, but not nearly enough to justify the cost of reinstalling them when the roof restoration is complete.  

The Library Board of Trustees is committed to exploring solar energy options available when the planned renovation and expansion of the library takes place.


When is this happening and how long will it take? 

This planned start date is April 29 and the anticipated final day of construction is May 10. This timeline is highly dependent on the weather. If conditions are not favorable, it will need to be adjusted.   


Will the library stay open during the project? 

YES! The contractor’s work is planned to maintain library operations, safe pedestrian access, deliveries, and traffic flow at all times. The library will be open normal hours during the entire project, with the exception of May 10, when it is closed for a staff in-service day.  

All collection areas and amenities will remain available. This includes meeting rooms and study rooms, but groups planning to meet and individuals seeking a quiet space to concentrate should be aware that we are expecting high levels of noise from the project. You can stop by any of our service desks for a complimentary pair of earplugs and to commiserate with our staff.  


Will traffic be impacted by the project? 

Yes. Staging will be done along the west end of the parking lot, and the row of parking along the edge will be unavailable. Because materials will be moving back and forth between staging areas and the library, the entrance from Ivy Avenue will be blocked off. The contractor will have someone on the ground to direct the flow of traffic and ensure that both patrons and workers can move through the area safely.  


map of Civic Campus parking lot

Where will I park?

The areas highlighted in orange on the map are going to be inaccessible. All other parking spaces will remain available. 


Where can I read/work in peace and quiet during this project? 

There are a few rooms and ample public seating available at the Civic Center between 8 AM and 5 PM. If you have questions about private work spaces, please contact the Civic Center at 262-246-5200.


We appreciate your patience and understanding during this process, and we’re sorry for the inconvenience it may cause you. We believe the end result will be a better library experience for all our patrons and lower repair costs in the long term. If you have further questions, please contact Library Director Adele Loria at 262-246-5180.